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Great Egret

Great Egret

A deep croak when disturbed. Other low calls around nest.

Snowy Egret is smaller, has black bill, and yellow feet.
Great White Heron, the white form of the Great Blue Heron, has a heavier bill, and pale, not black, legs.
The white form of the Reddish Egret has a dark or bi-colored bill.
The white juvenile of the Little Blue Heron has greenish legs, and a dark bill with a bluish base.
Cattle Egret can have a yellow bill and black legs, but it is much shorter and stockier, and often has a reddish wash over the head, back, and chest.

Nests in colonies with other species, in shrubs and trees over water, and on islands.
Feeds in variety of wetlands, including marshes, swamps, streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, tide flats, canals, and flooded fields.

Fish, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and small mammals.

Walks slowly, stands and stabs prey with quick lunge of the bill.

Size: 94-104 cm (37-41 in)
Wingspan: 131-145 cm (52-57 in)
Weight: 1000 g (35.3 ounces)
Large, all white heron.
Long, black legs and feet.
Yellow bill is long, stout, and straight.
Flies with neck pulled back in S-curve.
Bill yellow with dark top edge.
Long plumes on back during breeding.
No crest or plumes on head.
In high breeding, the bill becomes orange-yellow and the lores become lime-green.

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This entry was posted on June 26, 2013 by .
